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Types of Assistance for Disaster Victims?

    From time to time our office is asked, "what type of assistance is there for disaster victims"? Unfortunately there is no easy answer to this question. Every disaster must meet certain criteria for certain levels of governmental assistance. Below is a basic guide on what may be available:

Immediate Emergency Help:
The American Red Cross, Salvation Army and other volunteer organizations can and will provide immediate aid in the way of clothing, emergency food, medical assistance, emergency shelters, clean-up help, transportation help and furniture. This assistance is available upon request from individuals or government agencies. American Red Cross: 509-457-1690, Salvation Army: 509-453-3139.

Federal Disaster Assistance:
This can be provided through the Stafford Act when the President declares a major disaster. The request must be made from the governor of the affected state, to the President. The governor must receive the request by the local jurisdiction impacted by the disaster. Assistance provided includes minimal assistance for housing repairs, housing replacement, rental assistance and help with medical, dental, and funeral expenses, vehicle repair/replacement, transportation, and certain other personal property losses.
Registration: When the president declares a disaster, that includes the Individuals and Households Program, FEMA sets up a toll-free registration number (800-621-3362) where individuals and households can begin to apply for immediate assistance. Internet registration can also be made at or . If you do not register, you will not get help.

Individual and Household Program consists of Housing Assistance (HA) and Other Needs Assistance:
HA assists eligible individuals/households with housing needs like financial assistance to rent alternative housing, repair owner occupied private residences and to replace owner occupied private residences ONA awards are available to qualified individuals/ households who have serious, disaster-related needs and expenses for which assistance from other federal, state, or voluntary agencies disaster programs are unavailable or inadequate. These needs typically fall into the categories of medical, dental, and funeral expenses, as well as personal property, transportation, and other necessary expenses or serious needs. This program is only available when the president declares a disaster.

In the absence of insurance, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has two loan programs that could help a community in lieu of a presidential declaration. SBA Physical Loss Disaster Loans program provides low interest loans to eligible individuals and businesses that have incurred disaster damage. Loans are intended to help victims repair or replace damaged property to a pre-disaster condition.SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL): EIDL provides low-interest loans to eligible small businesses that have suffered substantial economic injury, regardless of physical damage. It provides loans for operating expenses until business recovers. For more information about SBA loans, go to:

Farm Service Agency Loans:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) provides emergency loans to help farmers and ranchers recover from physical and production losses, to repair or replace farm property and supplies, or repay farm operating debts incurred during the disaster year. For more information about FSA loans, go to: and click on State Offices.