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How to Prepare for Any Emergency

This month start to prepare for any emergency if you have not done so already. You can do it by:
Designate an out-of-area contact person. Try to select someone that is far enough away to not be affected by the same emergency. Provide this person with the names and contact information of the people you want to keep informed of your situation. Instruct family members to call this person and tell them where they are. Long distance phone service is often restored sooner than local service.
Duplicate important documents and keep copies off-site, either in a safety deposit box or with someone you trust. Documents may include: passport, drivers license, social security card, wills, deeds, financial statements, insurance information, marriage license and prescriptions.

Inventory valuables, in writing and with photographs or video. Keep copies of this information off-site with your other important documents.

Make a family plan . Involve all key people in planning.

Check your home for potential safety hazards.

Put together a disaster kit . Plan to have supplies for yourself and your family for at least 3 days following a disaster.

When planning, consider the special needs of kids, disabled, seniors, family members that don’t speak English and pets.
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