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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Wet Weather this Week


Warming temperatures and significant rain will cause rivers and streams to rise through Wednesday (see Hydrologic Outlook from Pendleton NWS below). Steady rain is also forecasted for the urban areas of the county so locations with poor drainage may have problems with ponding.


The Yakima River at Easton and Umtanum are forecast to crest over bankfull on about Wednesday. The Yakima River at Parker is forecast to crest just below bankfull very late on Wednesday and about half a foot below flood stage at Kiona on Thursday.


The Naches River is forecast to crest about a foot below flood stage at Cliffdel and just below flood stage at Naches on Wednesday.


*Note – use the Pendleton’s hydro web page,, or the Bureau’s hydromet site, Click on the gage or cfs number for a graph.