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Thursday, December 10, 2015

12/10/15 Flooding Update



The Yakima River has seen a significant increase in water and debris flow, due to runoff from tributary creeks and the release of water from Bumping Lake dam by the Bureau of Reclamation. Currently, the Naches River (that feeds the Yakima River), has dropped. The County EOC is semi-activated providing Area Emergency Operations Center monitoring/ common operation picture support, and Joint Information System (JIS) to local county departments engaged in operations.

There have been numerous reports of flooding caused damage, particularly in the area of the Nile community. Nile/Naches area shelters have been closed. The road leading up the bridge at Rattlesnake Creek has been damaged, and that bridge is not usable by Nile residents. Access to the Nile community is
only via the north or south entrances onto highway 410.

The excess water from yesterday will move down through the Yakima River today, coming up to moderate flood stage today and Thursday. (12ft-Parker).

Residents Yakima River, and/or near floodplains are advised to be aware of changing conditions, and make preparations, if appropriate, to evacuate persons and

Closed Roads include:
Nile Road at Rattlesnake Creek Bridge--Closed
Hwy 12/ White Pass--Closed
Highway 410@Whistlin Jacks Lodge--Closed

Residents near the Yakima River, and/or near floodplains are advised to be aware of changing conditions, and make preparations, if appropriate, to evacuate persons and livestock. If you are immediately threatened, and need emergency rescue, call 911. Do not attempt to drive through standing water of unknown depth, especially if water is running over the roadway. Be aware of the unusually high amount of debris in the river.



Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What is going on with Flooding?

Flood waters have dropped in the Naches area at this point. Lower Valley residents should be aware that the volume of water in the Yakima River will rise going into tomorrow, and that there will be an increased amount of debris floating in the river.

The Naches River has seen a significant increase in water and debris flow, due to runoff from tributary creeks and the release of water from Bumping Lake dam by the Bureau of Reclamation. As a result of the weather system last night, the Naches River will continue to rise over the next 24 hours. Currently, the Naches is at 20.19ft (moderate flood stage), and is expected to go up to 20.66ft. (Major flood stage is 21.00). The most recent high level of this river is 20.40 in 2011. The County EOC is semi-activated providing Area Emergency Operations Center monitoring/ common operation picture support, and JIS to ICP being commanded by Nile Valley Fire Department.

There have been numerous reports of flooding caused damage, particularly in the area of the Nile community. Approximately 10-20 residents in the Nile area were advised to evacuate by the local Fire department. The road leading up the bridge at Rattlesnake Creek has been damaged, and that bridge is not usable by Nile residents. Access to the Nile community is only via the north or south entrances onto highway 410.


Residents near the Naches and Yakima Rivers, and/or near floodplains are advised to be aware of changing conditions, and make preparations, if appropriate, to evacuate persons and livestock.





Waters Rising NAches

Water keeps rising in the Nile Valley and will continue to do so for the next 6 hours. The Rattlesnake Bridge is closed. Bumping River road is closed.

Sand bags and sand are located at the Cliffdale Fire Station for the public. The Nile Community Church is open till 3PM today if displaced residents need a place to wait.
At 3PM the Presbyterian Church in Naches will open and a Red Cross Shelter will be set up for those needing a place to spend the night.

Flooding will occur on the Yakima River at Parker later today.

County EOC at Level 2 Activation for Flooding

Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management is at a phase 2 activation at this time due to flooding issues around the County. At a phase two activation the Situation Unit and our Joint Information System personnel are called out.

Phase two activation helps the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) establish the common operation picture of what is occurring, and establish liaisons with first responders to establish what logistical support might be needed in the future.

Please follow our social media sites for updates at

Also Please:

Listen to NOAA Weather Radio, local radio or television stations for information/ updates.

• Be aware of streams, drainage canals and areas known to flood suddenly.

• People living in low-lying areas are encourage starting moving property away from the river bank and keep an eye on river levels.

• Livestock owners should also make sure higher ground is available for their animals, if living in flood prone areas.

• Secure your home. If time permits, secure items located outside the house. Ensure your is full car of fuel, and ready. Motorists are reminded not to drive through flood waters, but instead to “turn around, don’t drown".

• Stay away from flood waters.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Flood Warning for the Naches River near Naches


NWS Pendleton has issued a Flood Warning for the Naches River near Naches from tonight until Thursday morning … or until the warning is cancelled. Minor flooding is forecasted.


Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management strongly urges residents to:


• Listen to NOAA Weather Radio, local radio or television stations for information/ updates.

• Be aware of streams, drainage canals and areas known to flood suddenly.

• People living in low-lying areas are encourage starting moving property away from the river bank and keep an eye on river levels.

• Livestock owners should also make sure higher ground is available for their animals, if living in flood prone areas.

• Secure your home. If time permits, secure items located outside the house. Ensure your is full car of fuel, and ready. Motorists are reminded not to drive through flood waters, but instead to “turn around, don’t drown".

• Stay away from flood waters.

• We cannot say this enough--Do NOT attempt to drive over flooded roads. The depth of water is not always obvious. The road bed may be washed out under the water, and you could be stranded or trapped.


Flood Warning for the Naches River near Naches

NWS Pendleton has issued a Flood Warning for the Naches River near Naches from tonight until Thursday morning … or until the warning is cancelled. Minor flooding is forecasted.


Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management strongly urges residents to:


• Listen to NOAA Weather Radio, local radio or television stations for information/ updates.

• Be aware of streams, drainage canals and areas known to flood suddenly.

• People living in low-lying areas are encourage starting moving property away from the river bank and keep an eye on river levels.

• Livestock owners should also make sure higher ground is available for their animals, if living in flood prone areas.

• Secure your home. If time permits, secure items located outside the house. Ensure your is full car of fuel, and ready. Motorists are reminded not to drive through flood waters, but instead to “turn around, don’t drown".

• Stay away from flood waters.

• We cannot say this enough--Do NOT attempt to drive over flooded roads. The depth of water is not always obvious. The road bed may be washed out under the water, and you could be stranded or trapped.


Wet Weather this Week


Warming temperatures and significant rain will cause rivers and streams to rise through Wednesday (see Hydrologic Outlook from Pendleton NWS below). Steady rain is also forecasted for the urban areas of the county so locations with poor drainage may have problems with ponding.


The Yakima River at Easton and Umtanum are forecast to crest over bankfull on about Wednesday. The Yakima River at Parker is forecast to crest just below bankfull very late on Wednesday and about half a foot below flood stage at Kiona on Thursday.


The Naches River is forecast to crest about a foot below flood stage at Cliffdel and just below flood stage at Naches on Wednesday.


*Note – use the Pendleton’s hydro web page,, or the Bureau’s hydromet site, Click on the gage or cfs number for a graph.

Monday, December 7, 2015

11AM 12-7-15 Hwy 12 Rockslide

This is the latest about Highway 12 from the Washington Department of Transportation.

US 12 from Milepost 151 to milepost 183, seven miles west of Naches. US 12 is closed to through traffic from milepost 151 near the summit to milepost 183 near Oak Creek feeding station due to a rock slide that occurred blocking the highway. WSDOT and Sheriff deputy on scene working to clear the roadway. Engineering staff is on the way to scene to assess the hillside.

Due to the nature of the closure an estimated end time cannot be determined until the engineering staff assess the hillside. Updates will be provided as information is available.

10:30AM 12/7/15-White Pass Rockslide Situation Report

Here is the situation report for the White Rock Slide:

Pass Closed

Pass Closed

US 12 is closed to through traffic from milepost 151 near the summit to milepost 183 near Oak Creek feeding station due to a rock slide that occurred blocking the highway. WSDOT and Sheriff deputy on scene working to clear the roadway. Engineering staff is on the way to scene to assess the hillside.



33ºF / 0ºC

4500 ft / 1372 m


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Ready for Winter Weather?

Ready for Winter 2015/16?  Here are some links to give you preparedness tips below:


·   WA State Emergency Management Division: Preparedness -

·   WA State Department of Transportation: - Traveler Information & Newsroom

·   National Weather Service: - Seattle, Spokane, Vancouver, Pendleton

·   Ready.Gov: - Get Ready for Winter, Follow Ready on Social Media, Ready Publications

·   FEMA.Gov: - El Niño and Severe Weather, Download the FEMA App

·   America’s PrepareAthon!: - A grassroots campaign for action to increase community preparedness and resilience. Join others around the country to practice your preparedness!

·   American Red Cross: - Stay informed on disaster alerts, preparedness tips, and ways to get involved.

·   2-1-1: - Washington Information Network 211; Get Connected.  Get Answers.  - is a free and confidential service that helps people across North America find the local resources they need.