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Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Phone Numbers
YSO - (NON EMERGENCY) - 574-2500
WSP - (NON EMERGENCY) - 575-2320

Nile Fire Department: continues to organize the community for the current landslide situation and the potential future isolation of the area from and high water event. The department has and is hosting several meetings with officials and the community to ensure this coordination takes place. They have also become a significant source of information within the community.

State DOT: Is continuing to coordinate the construction of the temporary road over the existing Nile Road. Channel work continues with the removal of the log cabin and cleaning the channel. As of 1400 today they are beginning to allow some water to flow in the new channel as they watch the area for changes. They have advised everything they do in the area is a balancing act between the slide and moving material on the toe. Too much movement may set off the slide again. Simultaneously DOT is continuing their efforts to design and redirect the Nile Road some distance from the river. Crews are still working feverishly to allow two way traffic on the Nile Road. It should be coming soon. For more information call the DOT Hotline at 577-1635 for the latest.

Yakima County Public Services: Continuing to work on the river channel with state DOT. They have purchased several pieces of property from emergency funds to assist with this effort. The Flood Control Zone District, a part of Public Services, is working hard on modeling the effects of a high water event and identifying who will be threatened.

Emergency Management: The Emergency Management office continues to man the 574-1900 help line. The phone is being answered by volunteers to support the Nile Community. One staff person has been stationed at the Nile Church from 11:00am to 3:00 pm weekdays. Please stop by and talk with KR Catlin. He is there to listen to your needs and help you with questions.

CERT: Volunteers led by Pam Brown from the Hwy 410 Chinook Pass area are organizing to support the community. If you see someone in a Green Vest with the CERT logo say thank you and let them know what your needs are.

Washington State Patrol: WSP is manning the Hwy 410 Lower Nile Road intersection only allowing residence and service vehicles to pass through the construction area.

Yakima Sheriff’s Office: Lt Brian Winter reports YSO has moved their road position from the Nile Road at the Rattlesnake to the Hwy 410 Upper Nile Road intersection. This is to better control local access. Again they are only allowing residents and service vehicles into the construction area.