Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management is at a phase 2 activation at this time due to flooding issues around the County. At a phase two activation the Situation Unit and our Joint Information System personnel are called out.
Phase two activation helps the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) establish the common operation picture of what is occurring, and establish liaisons with first responders to establish what logistical support might be needed in the future.
Please follow our social media sites for updates at
Also Please:
Listen to NOAA Weather Radio, local radio or television stations for information/ updates.
• Be aware of streams, drainage canals and areas known to flood suddenly.
• People living in low-lying areas are encourage starting moving property away from the river bank and keep an eye on river levels.
• Livestock owners should also make sure higher ground is available for their animals, if living in flood prone areas.
• Secure your home. If time permits, secure items located outside the house. Ensure your is full car of fuel, and ready. Motorists are reminded not to drive through flood waters, but instead to “turn around, don’t drown".
• Stay away from flood waters.