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Thursday, December 10, 2015

12/10/15 Flooding Update



The Yakima River has seen a significant increase in water and debris flow, due to runoff from tributary creeks and the release of water from Bumping Lake dam by the Bureau of Reclamation. Currently, the Naches River (that feeds the Yakima River), has dropped. The County EOC is semi-activated providing Area Emergency Operations Center monitoring/ common operation picture support, and Joint Information System (JIS) to local county departments engaged in operations.

There have been numerous reports of flooding caused damage, particularly in the area of the Nile community. Nile/Naches area shelters have been closed. The road leading up the bridge at Rattlesnake Creek has been damaged, and that bridge is not usable by Nile residents. Access to the Nile community is
only via the north or south entrances onto highway 410.

The excess water from yesterday will move down through the Yakima River today, coming up to moderate flood stage today and Thursday. (12ft-Parker).

Residents Yakima River, and/or near floodplains are advised to be aware of changing conditions, and make preparations, if appropriate, to evacuate persons and

Closed Roads include:
Nile Road at Rattlesnake Creek Bridge--Closed
Hwy 12/ White Pass--Closed
Highway 410@Whistlin Jacks Lodge--Closed

Residents near the Yakima River, and/or near floodplains are advised to be aware of changing conditions, and make preparations, if appropriate, to evacuate persons and livestock. If you are immediately threatened, and need emergency rescue, call 911. Do not attempt to drive through standing water of unknown depth, especially if water is running over the roadway. Be aware of the unusually high amount of debris in the river.