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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Training for Yakima Community Readiness on the 9/11 Anniversary

Training for Yakima Community Readiness on the 9/11 Anniversary


* If another 9/ 11 event took place would most Americans be ready? September 10-12 citizens from around the Yakima Valley will be getting together to ensure they will be ready to help family and neighbors; no matter what the disaster might be. For one evening on Friday, and two days (Saturday / Sunday) the Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management will be hosting a COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) training course. Since 1993 when this training was made available nationally by Federal Emergency Management Agency, communities in 28 States and Puerto Rico have conducted CERT training.


 As CERT members the participants will be taught how to respond to disasters in their neighborhoods, until trained emergency responders can arrive. Such skills as basic first aid, debris removal, and urban search and rescue will be taught. The class will run 6:30-8:23 on Friday the 10th and then 8:00-5:00 on Saturday-Sunday. There is no cost for the class, but participants must bring their own leather gloves and leather work boots for the safety exercises. While many families take the class together, the course is suited for kids twelve or older.


Are You Ready? NEXT CLASS WILL START SEP. 10, 11&12 2010

Get involved in your community by joining Yakima County CERT:



Email us @ OEM@CO.YAKIMA.WA.US to get signed up today(include name, phone number and you will be contacted as the class date draws near).



Our Mission:

To educate citizens to be better prepared to take care of themselves, family, friends and neighbors in the event of a disaster, of any type, until trained emergency responders can arrive.  To establish Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) as a resource for first responders during disasters and emergencies and to perform projects that improve a community’s preparedness.