HWY 410 Landslides/ Nile Community Update-NOV. 23, 2009
Naches, WASH-11/23/09
Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau of Reclamation plans to make several incremental increases in Bumping Reservoir outflows beginning Monday morning, Nov 23. These increases will begin reaching the Naches River at Cliffdell sometime after 12:00 hours (noon) Monday and begin reaching the work site sometime after 15:00 hours (most likely later) Monday afternoon. Each 50 cfs increase will increase the stage on the Naches River at Cliffdell by about 3/4 inch or less. The total increase will likely be 150 to 300 cfs based on conditions and the NWS forecast at the time. They will plan to make additional adjustments Tuesday or Wednesday, November 24 or 25.
Naches, WASH-11/23/09
Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau of Reclamation plans to make several incremental increases in Bumping Reservoir outflows beginning Monday morning, Nov 23. These increases will begin reaching the Naches River at Cliffdell sometime after 12:00 hours (noon) Monday and begin reaching the work site sometime after 15:00 hours (most likely later) Monday afternoon. Each 50 cfs increase will increase the stage on the Naches River at Cliffdell by about 3/4 inch or less. The total increase will likely be 150 to 300 cfs based on conditions and the NWS forecast at the time. They will plan to make additional adjustments Tuesday or Wednesday, November 24 or 25.
Upcoming Events-
The Department of EMS will be having a “Holiday Yard Sale” inside the Glenwood Square Mall hallways on December 11th & 12th. Donations of gift items, and arts and crafts, that are to be sold during the event, are being accepted now through December 10th at the EMS office. All proceeds go to their Nile Valley Community Fund. They are located at: Yakima County Department of Emergency Medical Services Glenwood Square Mall, 5110 Tieton Drive, Suite 370, Yakima, Washington 98908-Tel. (509) 966-5175 Fax (509) 966-5176.
NWS Pendleton Forecast for 8 Miles SE Cliffdell, WA
A large scale weather system will be working through the Pacific Northwest over the next several days. The warm front ahead of the system will push through tonight with snow levels rising to 5000 feet with a mix of rain and snow overnight. Then snow levels fall back to 3000 feet by late Friday and lower through the weekend as several more parts of the system work through. The active pattern continues into early next week.
Tonight - snow level 5000 feet, precipitation 0.10 to 0.25 Friday - snow level back to 3000 feet, precipitation 10 to 0.25 Friday night - Saturday night - snow levels 1500-2000 feet, precipitation of 0.50 to 0.75 Sunday - snow level 1500-2000, precipitation 0.20.
Naches River near Cliffdell-
Currently around 620 cfs. It is expected to rise to between 720-750 cfs (near flood stage) by Friday morning and decrease back to around 630 by Friday night and slowly recede during the coming weekend.
WSDOT Update
WSDOT and contractor crews are getting closer to making their deadline to have the SR 410 winter-durable detour finished by Thanksgiving. Starting on Monday, Nov. 23, crews will start paving the 4,000-foot-long section of the detour. Paving should be complete by Wednesday, Nov. 25. However, crews will still have some work to finish. On Saturday, Nov. 28, crews will install guardrail, signs, and guideposts.WSDOT reminds motorists to please drive with caution and be prepared for delays associated with construction operations. WSDOT, Yakima County, our agency partners, and Selland Construction have accomplished remarkable feats within one month. Because of these partnerships, and the patience and understanding of Nile Valley residents, drivers have a safe, reliable, and durable transportation route around the Nile Valley landslide. Chinook Pass is closed for the season from Morse Creek (five miles east of the summit) to Crystal Mountain Boulevard (eight miles northwest of the summit). Access to the Crystal Mountain Ski Resort from SR 410 remains open. WSDOT is seeking federal emergency funding for the landslide emergency response, detour construction, and river channel work. The total cost is estimated to be as much as $8 million.
Informational Websites that are potentially pertinent to you: There is a lot of information out there. Please take a look and see if any applies to you.
-NEW-Applicants may also apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via SBA’s secure Web site at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela. Disaster loan information and application forms may also be obtained from SBA’s Customer Service Center by calling toll-free (800) 659‑2955, emailing disastercustomerservice@sba.gov, or visiting SBA’s Web site at www.sba.gov/services/disasterassistance. Hearing impaired individuals may call (800) 877‑8339. Yakima County Public Services Flood Control Zone District Flood Preparedness Information http://www.yakimacounty.us/SurfaceWater/FloodPreparedness.htm WSDOT Website with road and slide information http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/News/2009/10/23-WSDOT+begins+building+SR+410+detour.htm
Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management Blog http://www.yak-oem.blogspot.com/
NOAA National Weather Forecast for 8 miles east of Cliffdell. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=46.86394700508323&lon=-120.95947265625&site=pdt&smap=1&marine=1&unit=0&lg=en NOAA (Weather Service) river gauge at Cliffdell http://www.nwrfc.noaa.gov/river/station/flowplot/flowplot.cgi?CLFW1 WA
State Emergency Management Personal, Family, and Pet Preparedness Information http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_personal_preparedness.shtml
Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management Blog http://www.yak-oem.blogspot.com/
NOAA National Weather Forecast for 8 miles east of Cliffdell. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=46.86394700508323&lon=-120.95947265625&site=pdt&smap=1&marine=1&unit=0&lg=en NOAA (Weather Service) river gauge at Cliffdell http://www.nwrfc.noaa.gov/river/station/flowplot/flowplot.cgi?CLFW1 WA
State Emergency Management Personal, Family, and Pet Preparedness Information http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_personal_preparedness.shtml