Hwy 410 Chinook Pass Briefing -
Naches, WASH-OCT. 29th, 2009
There is a rumor up here that the slide has moved 42 this week . Any truth to this? No . According to DOT officials this afternoon there has been some minor rock falls on the upper end of the slide but they have no evidence of any movement. See DOT Report below for additional information.
Yakima County Public Services
Rock continues to be hauled for the future armoring of the Lower Nile Road Bridge and Flood Structures that are being built. A contract has been executed to remove a barn and other buildings that remain in the flood way and or new channel. The wells left from the removal of homes are being decommissioned. A fence is being installed on the Flood Berm built by the Corps of Engineers for safety. There will also be a fence installed on the west side of the channel. These fences are for your safety so please respect them. Public Services is working hard to get ahead of the coming high water.
Yakima County Public Services
Rock continues to be hauled for the future armoring of the Lower Nile Road Bridge and Flood Structures that are being built. A contract has been executed to remove a barn and other buildings that remain in the flood way and or new channel. The wells left from the removal of homes are being decommissioned. A fence is being installed on the Flood Berm built by the Corps of Engineers for safety. There will also be a fence installed on the west side of the channel. These fences are for your safety so please respect them. Public Services is working hard to get ahead of the coming high water.
Road construction continues on the More Durable Road. WSDPT Brad White advises they have encountered some soft spots but are working around them. Brad also advised they have the Ground Probing Radar in place and the data acquired so far indicates there has been no movement of the slide sense Saturday when it was installed. A feature not yet installed because of technical issues is the radar will be capable of alerting officials if it sees any movement day or night. The WSDOT will begin drilling on the slide itself in the coming weeks to gather information on what happened and what the future will bring.
Cell Coverage
We have not received an update on the Cell Coverage today. We talked to Todd Krienke late yesterday 5:30 or so and from what he said they were going to try to get their service at the Woodshed on line today. As of this afternoon nothing has been done.
Heavy Equipment Behind the Barricade
No new information on this issue. The Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management has received reports today of activity behind the barricade. After investigating it we found out the Simmons’s family had crossed the barricade to salvage materials from their rock quarry. Family members stated that had received the proper permits to re-enter the area and were told their doing so would not endanger the slide area.
Cell Coverage
We have not received an update on the Cell Coverage today. We talked to Todd Krienke late yesterday 5:30 or so and from what he said they were going to try to get their service at the Woodshed on line today. As of this afternoon nothing has been done.
Heavy Equipment Behind the Barricade
No new information on this issue. The Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management has received reports today of activity behind the barricade. After investigating it we found out the Simmons’s family had crossed the barricade to salvage materials from their rock quarry. Family members stated that had received the proper permits to re-enter the area and were told their doing so would not endanger the slide area.
Response Agencies War-game Worst Case Scenario for Nile Valley
In the aftermath of the Highway 410 Landslide in Nile Valley 12 agencies met to conduct a table top exercise on what could happen if the Nile Valley was cut off for an extended period of time.
*A cadre of 12 agencies made up of public and private entities met to brainstorm the possible problems that could arise in the Nile Valley this winter if it was cut off as a result of complications from the OCT. 11th landslide. The meeting was held at the Yakima County Public Service Facility on 18th Street.
*A cadre of 12 agencies made up of public and private entities met to brainstorm the possible problems that could arise in the Nile Valley this winter if it was cut off as a result of complications from the OCT. 11th landslide. The meeting was held at the Yakima County Public Service Facility on 18th Street.
*Various scenarios that could arise were addressed as well as which specific roles the numerous agencies would fill if an emergency arose.
*One re-occurring theme brought up in the session was the need for the local residents to be ready for the 30-40 days of possible isolation in the Nile Valley. All agencies echoed the same message that all their planning will only achieve half of the needed results if the local residents of the Nile Valley are not prepared.
*The agencies and private companies included 211-People For People, ALS Ambulance , Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management, Yakima Sheriff’s Department, Washington State Department of Transportation, US Forest Service, Yakima Co. GIS, Yakima Co. Surface Water, Yakima Co. Public Services, Nile Valley CERT, Nile/ Cliffdell Fire Department, Washington State Department of Emergency Management.
Informational Websites that are potentially pertinent to you: There is a lot of information out there. Please take a look and see if any applies to you.
WSDOT Website with road and slide information
Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management Blog KR Catlin is updating this daily
NOAA National Weather Forecast for 8 miles east of Cliffdell.
NOAA (Weather Service) river gauge at Cliffdel
WA State Emergency Management Personal, Family, and Pet Preparedness Information http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_personal_preparedness.shtml