Nile Valley HWY 410 Landslide Update
Naches, WASH- OCT. 30-NOV.1st ,2009
Nile Community Meeting
Thursday November 5th at 5:30 there will be a community update meeting at the Nile Community Church.- Enjoy Trunk-o-Treating tonight 6:00 PM-7:30 PM!
Office of Emergency Management
National Weather Service in Pendleton
The request from the National Weather Service in Pendleton is to post their two main office numbers on the web site. The weather office is staffed 24 hrs/ day and anyone who answers the phone can provide forecast information.
541-276-7832, or 541-276-4493
Tonight, a cold front will be moving onto the coast with the East Slopes still in the warm sector. We are expecting precipitation to increase overnight ahead and along the front with the heaviest precipitation expected from about midnight through Saturday noontime. The front is expected to be through the area by Saturday afternoon, with the precipitation tapering off to showers instead of steady rain. Some showers will continue Saturday night and Sunday...mainly along the crest. With the warming air moving in last night, the snow that fell has melted with rises seen on the Naches and tributaries. These rising are expected through late this afternoon with the gage at Cliffdell reaching about 550 cfs, then steady or drop back a bit overnight and then rise to about 650 cfs by late Saturday and slowly fall back to around 400 cfs by late Sunday.
Crews working seven days a week to build SR 410 temporary detour by Thanksgiving.
WSDOT and contractor crews continue work on the SR 410 winter-durable temporary detours using the five-mile Nile Loop Road.
Crews are working seven days a week, 14 hours a day, to build a 4,000 foot section of the detour across the valley away from the river and landslide. Crews are not paving the western three miles of the detour on the Nile Loop Road due to weather. WSDOT hopes to have the temporary detour open to all drivers by Thanksgiving.
The current SR 410 emergency access route on Nile Loop Road detours around the closed four-mile section of SR 410 between mileposts 104 and 108. WSDOT will keep Chinook Pass open until heavy snows create unavoidable avalanche danger.
For transportation related updates, call our project hotline: (509) 577-1635. For other matters, please contact Yakima County at (509) 574-1900.
Informational Websites that are potentially pertinent to you: There is a lot of information out there. Please take a look and see if any applies to you.
WSDOT Website with road and slide information
Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management Blog KR Catlin is updating this daily
NOAA National Weather Forecast for 8 miles east of Cliffdell.
NOAA (Weather Service) river gauge at Cliffdel
WA State Emergency Management Personal, Family, and Pet Preparedness Information http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/prep_personal_preparedness.shtml
http://www.cpsc.gov/generator.html (web page, not printable flyer)
Power outage web site (multiple topics):
CO poisoning after an emergency web site:
Kerosene heaters:
http://nasdonline.org/document/1098/d000884/unvented-portable-kerosene-heaters-safety-considerations.html (has a 3 page handout)
State EMD publications web site:
http://www.emd.wa.gov/preparedness/documents/piy_water.pdf (good water flyer)