Yakima, WASH- Jan. 18, 2011
As the Valley begins to dry out from a wet weekend, the Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management asks all citizens to be mindful of flood safety.
Yakima County rivers have crested and while river levels will stay high for the following day, they should then begin to recede. Any non-agricultural business/ property damage that occurred as a result of the local flooding this weekend should be reported the Yakima Valley Office of Emergency Management at 509-574-1920.
Yakima Office of Emergency Management reminds you of what you should be doing before, during, and after a flood:
• Find out if you live in a flood-prone area and identify earthen, irrigation, hydro-electric, etc. dams, that are upstream from your area, and could be the source of potential problems.
• Know the terms "Flood Watch", "Flood Warning", and "Urban and Small Stream Warning".
• Plan what you would do if asked to evacuate.
• Consider purchasing flood insurance.
• Take steps to flood proof your home.
• Keep all insurance policies and your household inventory in a safe place.
• Listen to NOAA Weather Radio, local radio or television stations for information.
• Be aware of streams, drainage canals and areas known to flood suddenly.
• People living in low-lying areas are encourage starting moving property away from the river bank and keep an eye on river levels. Motorists are also reminded not to drive through flooded areas, but instead to “turn around, don’t drown”.
• Livestock owners should also make sure higher ground is available for their animals, if living in flood prone areas.
• Secure your home. If time permits, secure items located outside the house.
• If instructed, turn off utilities at the main switches or valves.
• Fill your car with fuel.
• Fill the bathtub with water in case water becomes contaminated or services are cut off. Sterilize the bathtub first.
• Stay away from flood waters.
• Do NOT attempt to drive over flooded roads. The depth of water is not always obvious. The road bed may be washed out under the water, and you could be stranded or trapped.
• Stay away from flood waters.
• Stay away from moving water. Moving water six inches deep can sweep you off your feet.
• Be aware of areas where flood waters have receded and may have weakened road surfaces.
• Stay away from and report downed power lines.
• Stay away from disaster areas unless authorities ask for volunteers.
• Continue listening to the radio for event and assistance information.
• Consider health and safety needs. Wash your hands frequently with soap and clean water if you come in contact with flood waters.
• Throw away food that has come in contact with flood waters.
• Call your insurance agent.
• Take photos of or videotape your belongings and your home.
• Don't throw away damaged goods until an official inventory has been taken.
• Report damages of property or business to local Emergency Management Office.